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Chief Inspector General

Professor Matthew Bennett,

J.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., J.S.D., J.C.D.

International Barrister, King’s Counsel (K.C.), Privy Councillor (P.C.)


Chief Inspector General, Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes

Chief Inspector General, Professor Matthew Bennett

Professor Matthew Bennett holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Foreign Languages (1993) from Union College in New York (terms abroad at the Law Faculty of University of Rennes in France). He completed a Master of Science (M.S.) in Electrical Engineering (1996) from the Pontifical Academy of Sacred Sciences (externship at Moscow State Technical University), specializing in systems analysis which he applies to legal systems.


He is a Professor of International Law holding a Juris Doctor (J.D.) in International Law (1997) from Dickinson School of Law, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in International Affairs (2001) from the Royal Institute of Geopolitics and Diplomacy (externship at Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), and “Professorship” Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D.) in International Law (2008) from the Royal Institute of Law and Justice (externship at Tver State University Russia).


He is a Professor of Ancient and Medieval History holding a “Professorship” Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in Archaeology and Egyptology (2012) from the Pontifical Academy of History and Culture (externships at Russian Ministry of Culture), and Juris Canonici Doctor (J.C.D.) in Canon Law as customary international law (2016) from the Royal Institute of Law and Justice (externship at Vatican-Anglican Franciscan Order).  He is an historian and archaeologist for various kingdoms, churches, and inter-governmental institutions.


He began his career as Chief of Operations for the Strategic Service for International Security (1994-2009), a private security firm based in Washington DC and London, with supporting offices in New York and Moscow: Provided legal security and protection of national critical infrastructure for governmental clients, empowering private sector industries with government caliber security resources; Expert forensic investigations, training for national law enforcement agencies, and support for the Judiciary and Prosecutors in organized crime and corruption cases; Unofficial Advisor to Presidential Administrations. He is considered a decorated honorary national security veteran.


He shifted his career to become Chief Legal Counsel of the Historical Preservation Society (HPS) based in London (2008-2012), applying his international law skills to facilitate the restoration of sovereign historical institutions, as a strategic vehicle for projects supporting human rights.


Matthew Bennett was vetted and established as an International Barrister (2013), as a rank of the independent legal profession in Common Law, specializing in human rights and cross-border enforcement, and representing sovereign historical institutions of statehood and diplomatic status.  He was appointed King’s Counsel (K.C.) and Privy Councillor (P.C.) by Letters Patent (2018), for kingdoms of world heritage leading the Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS).


For detailed facts supported by evidence of the legitimacy and good standing of Professor Matthew, proving any attempted defamation to be knowingly false and illegal, see the topic:
“Verified Integrity of Professor Matthew”



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