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Pontifical Academy of History and Culture

(Archaeology & History Faculty)


The Pontifical Academy of History & Culture serves as the in-house Archaeology Faculty and History Faculty of Ignita Veritas University. Archaeology is considered a key priority area of scholarship, of strategic importance and global significance. Ancient history contains the origins, and reveals the models and lessons, of macroeconomics and geopolitics, related to international security and human rights. Medieval history provides the “bridge” between ancient history and modern civilization, revealing undercurrents of influence and development, which often are the hidden keys to solve many challenges facing society. The highest purpose and best use of history is to rediscover the time-tested solutions of the past, and apply them to the problems of the present.


Studies under this faculty can result in a full range of graduate and post-graduate degrees in Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval History, and World History, including:


  • Bachelor of Arts (Baccalaureus Artium) B.A.
  • Master of Arts (Magister Artium) M.A.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophiae Doctor) Ph.D.
  • Professorship Doctorate (Professor Doctor) Prof.D.


Ancient History studies concentrate on early human origins, the development of civilizations, sociopolitical and geopolitical systems, and collective human knowledge from the most distant past to the present. Medieval History and World History studies concentrate on relatively recent events advancing the development of modern civilization, connecting historical world events to current sociopolitical and geopolitical realities.


Graduates of degree programs in Ancient History, Medieval History and World History are often employed in a Ministry of Culture or Ministry of Education, as well as in national museums or libraries of official archives. These academic specialties are often relevant to the professional work of military and geopolitical strategists, national security analysts, and expert advisors of government administrations. Graduates of Archaeology degree programs are also often employed in a Ministry of Antiquities, or private archaeological expeditions.


Certain archaeological discoveries or research findings can have profound significance affecting geopolitical balance. As an Official Body of an Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO), with a government contracting Think Tank and international Law Centre, IV University can best mobilize the resources of its History Faculty, to help national governments protect their strategic and cultural interests, while upholding freedom of academic research and open dissemination of scholarly knowledge.


As an internationally licensed and governmentally accredited educational institution, IV University can apply the necessary academic expertise to the specialized scientific discipline of archaeology. Combined with its Law Centre as a licensed international law firm and legal and economic security agency, supported by the Diplomatic Corps of the host IGO institution, IV University is highly qualified to ensure the protection and conservation of often priceless sites, artifacts and manuscripts of global importance.


The inter-governmental licensing of IV University specifically authorizes “scientific research including forensics and archaeology”, emphasizing scientific exploration of the historical record. The History Faculty is thus empowered to function as a fully recognized Archaeology Faculty of the University. This provides direct legal authority to conduct operations and grant academic degrees in the specialty of Archaeology, and enables IV University to serve as an official institutional sponsor for government-registered archaeological expeditions and excavations.


Archaeology has always been a major part of Ignita Veritas University, which developed from its original foundations as the “Historical Preservation Society” (HPS) from 2008. That founding operation continued as an Archaeology Faculty of the institution since 2012, becoming the Pontifical Academy of History and Culture of IVU in 2014.


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