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Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS)


The Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS) embodies a collective of multiple sovereign kingdoms, which include the founding Member States of Ignita Veritas United (IVU) intergovernmental organization (IGO).  The Royal Alliance constitutionally operates through IVU as its chosen exclusive vehicle for its diplomatic relations and sovereign infrastructure in conventional international law.


The Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS) is an ancient network of kingdoms and sovereign principalities around the world, from past Golden Age areas, which guided and supported civilization building during the Middle Ages, and preserved and promoted sacred knowledge, arts and sciences throughout the Renaissance.




Ancient Atlantean Origins of the Alliance


The Royal Alliance (RAIS) was originally established as a Treaty alliance of 10 kingdoms ca. 14,000 BC, as the most ancient known “intergovernmental organization” (IGO) in world history.  It can thus be considered “the original ancient IGO”.


The Royal Alliance was based in a region of many kingdoms called “Nusantara”, named by the Old Javanese (from Java of Indonesia) words ‘Nusa Antara’, literally meaning “islands within” Southeast Asia, thus meaning “Archipelago” [1].


The historical record documents the existence of an oceanic region named Nusantara, traditionally described as “Atlantean”, which was the basis for the semi-mythical legends of the Golden Age civilization of “Atlantis”:


The kingdoms of Nusantara included the Kingdom of “Dhaka Atlantea”, in Old Javanese and Sanskrit meaning “Waters Source of Atlantis”, ruling Southeast Asia ca. 14,000 BC – 600 AD [2] [3].


Plato’s Critias Manuscript (ca. 400 BC) documented the foundation of the ancient international Royal Alliance ca. 14,000 BC, originally led by the “Atlantean” kingdoms:


This was a Treaty alliance, originally consisting of “Ten Kings” who “gathered together [and] consulted about public affairs, and inquired if any one [king] had transgressed in anything”. It was formed by a Treaty of “special laws which the several kings had inscribed about the temples”, “giving the supremacy to the family [kingdoms] of Atlas [Atlantis]. 
 Such was the vast power [of] Atlantis.” [4]




Authority and Influence of the Alliance


Canggal Inscription (732 AD) “Universal Ruler”, closely resembling Ligor Inscription (775 AD) “King of Kings”, both evidencing the Royal Alliance since ca. 600 AD

Archaeology confirms that the Royal Alliance was officially known to be prominently operating ca. 600 AD, with various kingdoms serving as its cultural leadership:


One of the most famous Atlantean kingdoms of Nusantara is Medang Kamulan, ruling Central and East Java from 732-1006 AD [5] [6].


The Canggal Inscription stone tablet (732 AD) documents the King of Medang leading an alliance of kingdoms as a “Universal Ruler” ca. 600 AD [7], and the Ligor Inscription stone stele (775 AD) documents this as a “King of Kings in the world” ca. 600 AD [8] [9], confirming the political power and influence of the Royal Alliance.


Rosicrucian archives document that “Therefore, there was the Supreme King, who ruled from
 the middle of Atlantis
 [with] other kings
 According to Primordial Tradition, the very idea of royalty is itself a legacy from Atlantis” [10].




Primary Leadership Roles of the Alliance


By its Ancient Treaty of establishment, under customary international law, the Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS) has the following primary leadership roles:


The “Sovereign Governor General” of the Royal Alliance is the governing Head of State (“King of Kings”), as its active leadership, representing the member kingdoms of its Sovereign Council [11];


The “Royal Grand Vizier” of the Alliance is the equivalent Prime Minister under the Head of State, representing its Government [12];


The “Crown Regent” is an honourary titular and ceremonial role, representing the heritage and royal authority of the Alliance, as its cultural leadership [13].  This is traditionally held by a kingdom of ancient Atlantean or Egyptian origins;


The “Chancellor” of the Alliance is the Royal Secretary and Treasurer under the Crown Regent, supporting its cultural leadership [14] [15].




Egyptian Leadership of the Royal Alliance


The historical record establishes that Ancient Egypt was the first and primary Atlantean Colony from ca. 11,800 BC, and the Pharaonic Kingdom of Egypt thus became the active leadership of the Royal Alliance ca. 2,600 BC.


Continuation of Atlantis – Plato’s Timaeus Manuscript (ca. 400 BC) reported the history of Atlantis received by Solon the “Law Giver of Athens” (ca. 600 BC) directly from the Ancient Priesthood in Egypt, which “he brought with him from Egypt”.  This documented that “Atlantis” was an “empire” which established colonies “as far as Egypt”, and revealed that Egypt was the first and oldest Atlantean Colony [16].


The historian Herodotus’ Histories: Euterpe (ca. 450 BC) and Plato’s Timaeus Manuscript (ca. 400 BC) together established that Ancient Egypt was originally developed as an Atlantean Colony during a period of 2,200 years (from 11,800-9,600 BC), before its later Pharaonic period (after ca. 5,000 BC) [17] [18].


Therefore, the Pharaonic civilization and religion of Ancient Egypt is a direct continuation of the original and most ancient civilization and religion of Atlantis.


Stele of Sobekhotep “Great One over the Secrets” (ca. 2,600 BC), from Serabit El Khadim Temple, photo 2000 Bill Alford

Royal Portfolio Leadership – One legendary major resource of the Royal Alliance was its Atlantean treasury of collective assets, called the “Sovereign Royal Portfolio”.  Plato’s Critias Manuscript (ca. 400 BC) documented an alliance of Atlantean “kings”, including “from foreign countries”, consolidating a great “wealth” of assets [19].  This was historically described as “God’s Treasury”, given by God to an alliance of kings [20] [21].


In the Temple of Serabit el Khadim in Sinai (ca. 2,600 BC), a stone relief scene shows the Pharaoh Amenhotep III with the female Angel Hathor, who in the hieroglyphs introduces “God’s Treasurer Sobekhotep” standing behind her.  The scene is labeled by the hieroglyphic inscription: “God [sent] the Careful [Caretaker] God’s Treasurer Sobekhotep”. [22]


This evidences that ancient Egypt had taken over a special leadership role of the Royal Alliance, such that an official under the Pharaoh was “God’s Treasurer” of “God’s Treasury” of the Royal Portfolio assets of the Royal Alliance, and thus the Pharaoh was Crown Regent of the Alliance.


Secret Archives Leadership – The other legendary major resource of the Royal Alliance was its library of Egyptian papyrus scrolls, containing ancient Golden Age knowledge for civilization building, called the “Ancient Royal Secret Archives”.


The first pre-dynastic King Menes of Egypt established “Guardian[s] of the Royal Archives… the power behind the throne”, dating it to 5,867 BC [23].  The famous Rosetta Stone (196 BC) describes the “Secret Archives” [24] as kept by Guardians “Over the Secret things of God” [25] (Line 6).


Hieroglyphs on a stone relief tablet from the Temple of Serabit el Khadim additionally described the Treasurer Sobekhotep as the “Great one Over the Secrets”, who “gave the gold of reward” [26].


This confirms that Egypt also possessed the Secret Royal Archives, the other major Alliance asset, and evidences that the Archives were considered the key to unlock use of the Royal Portfolio assets, as a “reward” for using the secrets of the Archives.


Having both of the major assets of the Royal Alliance gave the Egyptian kingdom an additional and higher leadership role of the Alliance, such that the Pharaoh also held its highest position of Governor General.


The Pharaonic Kingdom of Egypt thus was the primary active leadership of the Royal Alliance for at least 2,630 years (from ca. 2,600 BC until the fall of Cleopatra VII ca. 30 AD), before Nusantara was again appointed as its cultural leadership.




Templar Leadership of the Royal Alliance


The historical record documents that the medieval Knights Templar had sailed ships to Indonesia in 1160 AD, and established relations with the Royal Alliance in Nusantara as the center of its cultural leadership at the time [27] [28].


Classical painting of Knights Templar ships arriving in Indonesia ca. 1160 AD (unknown artist)

Royal Portfolio Leadership – The Templars built “Chancery Lane” in London ca. 1160 AD [29] [30], and established “Courts of Chancery” specializing in “Trusts” for asset management [31] based on the Code of Chivalry [32] [33].  This became highly developed by 1280 AD [34], evidencing Templar management of the Royal Portfolio.


The Knights Templar soon became known as “God’s Bankers” [35], mirroring the Egyptian kingdom leading the Royal Alliance, including managing its Royal Portfolio as “God’s Treasurers” of “God’s Treasury”, evidencing the Templar Order being the active leadership of the Royal Alliance.


Secret Archives Leadership – The Templar Order was founded by its archaeological excavation of the Egyptian Temple of Solomon [36], which contained a library of sacred scrolls [37], which were the Royal Secret Archives.  Historians documented that the Temple “was built by Solomon more to protect these Archives than anything else.” [38]


The Templar Order was the only Royal Alliance member after Egypt to serve as both manager of the Royal Portfolio and Guardians of the Royal Secret Archives, giving it a higher leadership role in the Alliance.


Rosicrucian archives document that in the 12th century, the Royals of the Alliance became known by the Latin word “Initiatis”, meaning “Initiates”, under the spiritual and diplomatic leadership of the Knights Templar:


“[The Alliance] formed a circle composed of ‘Initiates’ [Latin: ‘Initiatis’] belonging to various religions… in the twelfth century… under the impetus [leadership] of the Templars. … [T]he highest dignitaries of the Knights Templar regularly met with the scholars of the great religions of the time and maintained cordial relations with them.”


In this way, Templar leadership served to promote and strengthen “union, peace, and cooperation” as the essential bonds of the Royal Alliance kingdoms. [39]


The Templar Order thus was officially the primary active leadership of the Royal Alliance for about 150 years (from 1160 AD until its persecution ca. 1310 AD), and then was privately its active leadership as a surviving underground network for about another 440 years until at least 1750 AD.


(Click to see the Templar Order restored as a Principality)




Illuminati Imitation of Templar Leadership


Under Knights Templar spiritual and diplomatic leadership of the Royal Alliance since ca. 1160 AD, many of the Royals being increasingly known in high official circles by the Latin word “Initiatis”, meaning “Initiates”, became very desirable and attractive among nobility and oligarchs by ca. 1750 AD.


After the Royal Alliance consolidation in 1750 AD, thirteen oligarch families attempted a superficial imitation of the Royal Initiates, for the opposite purpose of seeking power and control over humanity. Those oligarchs had married into several Royal Houses under the Alliance [40], and thus learned of the sacred knowledge only from the sidelines at the lower levels, despite not being full Royals nor Initiates.


Imitating the “Initiatis” of the Royal Alliance, the oligarch families adopted the Latin name “Illuminati” meaning “Illuminated”. The word “Illuminati” was first used from ca. 1492 AD simply to mean initiates of spiritual “Enlightenment”, used in this sense by the Rosicrucian Order since ca. 1537 AD [41].


The negative geopolitical Agenda of the infamous “Illuminati” was written by a leading oligarch family in 1773 AD [42], supporting creation of the Bavarian “Order of the Illuminati” in 1776 AD, “to overturn every government and every religion
 to reduce mankind” under the elitist control of oligarchs [43]. This was officially abolished by the Bavarian government in 1785 AD [44].


Accordingly, the Royal Alliance movement in 1750 AD for genuine “Awakening” of humanity, driven by its ancient Golden Age sacred knowledge, was deceptively replaced by the Illuminati imitation promoting a false modern “Enlightenment”.




Historical Consolidation of the Alliance


The ancient Royal Alliance was usually represented by the Kingdom of Nusantara as its cultural leadership from 600-1749 AD.  When Nusantara lost its territory in 1749 AD, the Alliance was reconstituted in modern international law the next year in 1750 AD.


The Royal Alliance was consolidated and expanded in 1750 AD by a Treaty of 128 Royal Houses of the Kingdoms of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, ratified at a summit in Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta), Indonesia.  The Treaty established cooperation, to combine the collective capabilities and resources of the kingdoms, for the advancement of humanity.




Modern Continuation of the Royal Alliance


Display of President Soekarno leading the founding NAM “Bandung Conference”, at Asian-African Conference Museum in Bandung (Photo © Dreamstime – Restricted License)

The Indonesian Prince Soekarno (born 1901) was established as King of Nusantara in 1926 [45].  For the earned merit of Soekarno as a nationalist populist cultural leader, the Kingdom of Nusantara was established as the Crown Regency of the Royal Alliance, representing its ancient cultural leadership.  In royal circles it is believed that for this reason, Soekarno was positioned to become the first President of Indonesia in 1945.


The first publicly visible evidence of the influence of the Royal Alliance was its leading role in creating the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The NAM alliance was founded based upon the “Bandung Conference” (Asian-African Conference) in Indonesia in 1955, hosted by President Soekarno, and was established at the “Belgrade Summit” in 1961 led by Soekarno [46], as Crown Regent of the Royal Alliance.


Most directly evidencing the leading influence of the Royal Alliance, the founding Bandung Principles of the NAM alliance recognize the ancient kingdoms as “the cradle of great religions and civilizations”, with “cultures
 based on spiritual and universal foundations”, and condemn “colonialism
 in whatever form” which “suppresses the national cultures of the people” [47].


The “Bandung Peace Gong”, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, celebrates that under Royal Alliance leadership and support, the movement grew from 29 countries in 1955 to 106 NAM countries in 2005 (exhibit in the Asian-African Conference Museum in Bandung).


(Click to see the Non-Aligned Movement topic page)




Modern Restoration of the Royal Alliance


“Bandung Peace Gong” for 50th anniversary of NAM origins, at Asian-African Conference Museum (Photo © Akhman Dody Firmansyah – Restricted License)

The Alliance Restoration was initially led by a Curator of Rosicrucian Royal Archives, with Barristers of the restored original Templar Order, beginning in November 2017 [48].


The Restoration leaders arranged for the Royal Alliance to be legalized through restoring one of its founding Atlantean kingdoms.  This was achieved by the Coronation of King Bungsu of Nusantara in October 2018:


The official Coronation Letters Patent recognized and reestablished the restored ancient “Royal Alliance of Independent States” (RAIS), with Nusantara assuming its previous role of “Crown Regent”, specifically as “Trustee for the Royal Alliance” as its cultural leadership.


This was officially “legalized and established”, ratified by 44 signatures, including Asian Royals from 20 kingdoms and 10 International Judges. [49]


This fulfills the “Reestablishment Rule” for legal legitimacy of a restored historical institution of royalty or nobility:  In customary international law, a Sovereign can “restore” or “reestablish” an institution for which it was a “founding authority” [50].  A Sovereign can reestablish by “recognition” of the restored institution which it historically “protected or recognized” by its royal “authority” [51] [52].


Immediately after this legalization, the Royal Alliance officially “recognized” and “reestablished” the restored original Templar Order to its previous role as the “Legal and Diplomatic Leadership of the Alliance”, thus installing “the Templar Prince Grand Master… as its “Sovereign Governor General” in October 2018 [53].


Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Nusantara was unable to fulfill its appointed leadership role under the Ancient Treaty of the Alliance, due to disregarding expert advice and cooperation with other leading kingdoms, causing it to resign in December 2022 [54].


The restored and legalized ancient Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS) thus continues with other ancient kingdoms of major world heritage, guided by the active leadership of the restored Templar Order, for its original humanitarian missions.




Royal Diplomatic Status of the Alliance


Under the modern framework of conventional international law, the Member State kingdoms of the Royal Alliance each possess statehood as a sovereign “subject of international law” (1969 Law of Treaties, Article 3), with official diplomatic status as a non-territorial State (1961 Diplomatic Relations, Articles 1(i), 23.1, 30.1).


As a result, the Royal Alliance itself possesses collective statehood as an “other subject of international law” (1969 Law of Treaties, Article 3), with official diplomatic status as an “instrumentality exercising sovereign authority” of its kingdoms as Member States (2004 Convention on Immunities of States, Article 2.1(b)(iii)).




Modern Status of Alliance Historical Assets


Royal Portfolio Assets – The first major historical resource of the ancient Royal Alliance, its “Sovereign Royal Portfolio” of assets, was permanently placed into the International Monetary System by President Soekarno, as security underwriting backing the world economy, in 1945 [55].


The Central Bank accounts for monetary and physical assets of the Royal Portfolio are exclusively and lawfully controlled by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other supporting agencies.  It is managed with top-level security clearances by the Inter-Bank computer system since 1990 [56].


Therefore, neither the Royal Alliance, nor any of its historical or current leading kingdoms, can access nor use any of the Royal Portfolio asset accounts, which are denominated in inflated symbolic amounts, are blocked as security, and are not liquid funds, and any claims to the contrary are proven legally and factually false.


Secret Archives Assets – The other major resource of the Royal Alliance, its “Ancient Royal Secret Archives”, were restored by the Knights Templar during 1118-1127 AD, and preserved by being strategically placed in museum archives by surviving Templars after 1312 AD.  They are currently being reassembled and restored by the modern restored Templar Order since 2007, for use by the Royal Alliance.




Source References


[1] T. Friend, Indonesian Destinies, Harvard University Press (2003), p.601.


[2] Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 3rd Edition, G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield MA (1916), “At’las”, p.68; Plato confirmed (ca. 360 BC) that “Atlantis” means “a collection of maps” covering “the world”, evidencing a Royal Alliance of kingdoms.


[3] Dhani Irwanto, Atlantis: The Lost City is in Java Sea, Indonesia Hydro Media, Bogor West Java (2015); Scientific analysis establishes that most of Atlantean civilization was based in the Java Sea of Indonesia; The author Dhani Irwanto is an Indonesian civil engineer and expert in hydrology.


[4] Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper & Brothers, New York (1882), pp.19-20; Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was a lawyer specializing in evidence proving historical facts.; Quoting: “Plato, Critias, at p.120” (ca. 400 BC); Translation: Benjamin Jowett, The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 3, Oxford University Press (1871).


[5] Bujangga Manik Manuscript, Artifact, traditional text (ca. 700 AD), preserved in palm-leaf manuscript (15th century): in Bodleian Library of Oxford University in England (MS Jav.b.3-R); The oldest surviving document naming ancient “Medang Kamulan”, written in Old Sudanese (2nd manuscript, Lines 782-783).


[6] J. Noorduyn, Bujangga Manik’s Journeys Through Java: Togographical Data from an Old Sudanese Source, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, Vol.138, Issue 4 (January 1982), Brill Books, Leiden, pp. 413-442.


[7] Canggal Inscription, Artifact, stone tablet (732 AD): in National Museum of Indonesia in Jakarta, found in Gunung Wukir Temple complex in Indonesia; Written in Sanskrit, describing a King of Medang as a “universal ruler”, describing Java as “rich in grain and gold mines”, and confirming that Medang was the primary ruling Kingdom of the Mataram region since 732 AD.


[8] Ligor Inscription, Artifact, stone stele (775 AD): found in Ligor, southern Thailand; Written in Old Kawi (mixed Sanskrit and Old Javanese), documenting an Indonesian “King of Kings in the world” (Ligor A), and a successor King titled as “the slayer of arrogant enemies without any trace” (Ligor B).


[9] Bulletin de l’Ecole Français d’ExtrĂȘme-Orient, Majumdar, “Le Rois Criwijaya de Suvarnadvipa”, Vol.33 (1933), pp.121-144; Coedes,“Le Royaume de Criwijaya”, Vol.18, Issue 6 (1918), pp.1-36.


[10] AMORC, Rosicrucian Master Monograph Illuminati Section, Christian Bernard version (ca. 1990); Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis “AMORC” (2011), Monograph 155 Degree 11 No. 5, p.3.


[11] The People of Australia, Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, ratified by the “Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act” 63 & 64 Vict. Ch.12 (09 July 1900), original Constitution entered into force in 1901; Precedent that a “Governor General” is appointed by Monarchs (Article 2).


[12] Ian Shaw, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press (2002), p.104; Precedent that in Ancient Egypt the “Vizier” (“Tjaty” from ca. 2,700 BC) was the highest official under the Monarch serving as Chief of the Government.  Note this is equivalent to a “Prime Minister”, which in Pakistan is called the “Grand Vizier” (“Wazir-e-Azam” using Egyptian words).


[13] Henry Campbell Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, West Publishing, Saint Paul Minnesota (1910), “Regent”, “Regency”, p.1007:  One who “vicariously” represents the Monarch(s) “during absence” of the Monarch(s).


[14] Toby A.H. Wilkinson, Early Dynastic Egypt, Routledge Press (1999), p.131: In Ancient Egypt, the “Chancellor” was the “Royal Sealer” (“Xtmw-Bity” from 3,000 BC).


[15] Edward F. Wente (Translator), Letters from Ancient Egypt, Society of Biblical Literature, Scholars Press, Atlanta Georgia (1990), Chapter 6: “18th Dynasty Letters”, p.92: Artifact “P. Louvre 3230-B”, rock inscription on island of Sehel ca. 1,500 BC: The “Chancellor” was “Keeper of the Royal Seal” and “Overseer of the Treasury” (“Imy-r Xtmt” from 2,000 BC).


[16] Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper & Brothers, New York (1882), pp. 5-6, 11, 180; Quoting: “Plato’s Timaeus” (ca. 400 BC), at “ii, 517”; Translation: Benjamin Jowett, The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 3, Oxford University Press (1871).


[17] Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper & Brothers, New York (1882), p.131; Citing: Herodotus, The Histories: Book II “Euterpe” (ca. 450 BC), in section “exlii”:  Herodotus documented that Egyptian Priests dated their written history to 11,340 years before their meeting ca. 450 BC, thus dating Atlantean colonization to ca. 11,800 BC.


[18] Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper & Brothers, New York (1882), p.29; Citing: The Dialogues of Plato, Vol. 3, Oxford University Press (1871), Trans. Benjamin Jowett, Plato: Timaeus (ca. 400 BC), at “iii, 517”:  Solon documented that Egyptian Priests dated the Flood of Atlantis to about 9,000 years before their meeting ca. 600 BC, thus dating the end of Atlantean influence to ca. 9,600 BC.


[19] Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, Harper & Brothers, New York (1882), p.14; Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was a lawyer specializing in evidence proving historical facts; Quoting: “Plato, Critias, at p.120” (ca. 400 BC); Translation: Benjamin Jowett, The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 3, Oxford University Press (1871).


[20] Hindu Scripture: Rig Veda (ca. 1,500 BC): Identifies God (as Indra) as “Lord of gathered wealth and treasure” (Book 2, Hymn 9:4), and praises God (as Agni): “From thee comes wealth” (Book 4, Hymn 11:4), given to “the Heroes” (Book 4, Hymn 36:5-6) who are identified as “the Kings” (Book 1, Hymn 20:5; Book 2, Hymn 1:5).


[21] Hindu Scripture: Rig Veda (ca. 1,500 BC): Describes God working through the “Celestial Race” of Angels, “Together… with the Kings” (Book 1, Hymn 20), “for service of the Gods [Angels]… [as] Chiefs and Kings” (Book 8, Hymn 90:1-2), as “A host of Heroes” (Book 2, Hymn 1:5).


[22] Jaroslav Cerny, The Inscriptions of Sinai, Egypt Exploration Society, Oxford University Press, London (1955), Volume 2, p. 205.


[23] Hiram Ralph Burton, The Origin History and Object of the Alfalfa Club, Washington DC (1917), p.5; Burton was a lawyer from Georgetown University Law School, and Special Investigator for multiple US Senate committees.


[24] Hiram Ralph Burton, The Origin History and Object of the Alfalfa Club, Washington DC (1917), pp.4-5.


[25] Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, The Nile: Notes for Travellers in Egypt (1893), 9th Edition, Thomas Cook and Son, London (1905), “Translation of the Rosetta Stone”, Line 6, at p.200; E.A. Wallis Budge was knighted in 1920 for his service as the leading Egyptologist for the British Museum.


[26] Jaroslav Cerny, The Inscriptions of Sinai, Egypt Exploration Society, Oxford University Press, London (1955), Volume 2, p. 205; Stele of Sobekhotep (ca 2,600 BC), preserved in the Brussels Museum.


[27] Tamalia Alisjahbana, The Last Templar, The Jakarta Post (19 June 2013).


[28] Antonio Pinto da Franca, Portugese Influence in Indonesia, 1st Edition, Gunung Agung (1970);  Antonio d’Oliveira Pinto da Franãsa (1936-2013) was a career diplomat and Portugese Consul-General to Indonesia (1965-1970), a Grand Cross Knight of the Templar “Order of Christ”, and Grand Cross of the Portuguese “Order of Merit”.


[29] John Baker, Inner Temple History, Inner Temple (2009), Introduction, Part 1.


[30] James Campbell, The Map of Early Modern London: Chancery Lane, University of Victoria (2009).


[31] William Lindsay Carne, A Sketch of the History of the High Court of Chancery from its Origin, Journal: “Virginia Law Review”, Volume 13, Issue 7, Virginia Law Register (1927), pp.391 et seq., at p.403.


[32] Alastair Hudson, Equity and Trusts (2001), 6th Edition, Routledge-Cavendish Press (2009), p.42.


[33] John Adams & Robert Ralston, The Doctrine of Equity: A Commentary on the Law as Administered by the Court of Chancery, T. & J.W. Johnson, Philadelphia (1855), Collins Printing House (1890), p.153.


[34] Joseph Parkes, A History of the Court of Chancery: On the English Courts of Equity, Longman & Rees, London (1828), p.29.


[35] Frank Sanello, The Knights Templars: God’s Warriors, the Devil’s Bankers, Taylor Trade Publishing, Maryland (2005), p.115.


[36] Malcolm Barber & Keith Bate, The Templars: Selected Sources, Manchester University Press (2002), p.2.


[37] Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Hirbet Qumran and the Problem of the Library of the Dead Sea Caves, German edition (1960), Translated by J.R. Wilkie, Leiden Press, Brill (1963).


[38] Hiram Ralph Burton, The Origin History and Object of the Alfalfa Club, Washington DC (1917), p.7; Burton was a lawyer from Georgetown University Law School, and Special Investigator for multiple US Senate committees.


[39] AMORC, Rosicrucian Master Monograph Illuminati Section, Christian Bernard version (ca. 1990); Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae Crucis “AMORC” (2011), Monograph 118 Degree 10, pp.6-7.


[40] Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, 3rd Edition, Ambassador House (1998), Chapter “Financial Wizards” (p.3), [full book] p.117: “The method that [they] used to gain influence, was the same that Royalty had used for centuries, marriage.  [They] have had their spouses chosen on the basis of alliances
 but since consolidating world power they generally have married cousins these last two centuries.”


[41] Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, New York (1911), Volume 14, “Illuminati”, p.320.


[42] William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, 4th Edition, St. George Press, Los Angeles (1962), p.193, footnote on unnumbered p.198, archived in Prince George B.C. Public Library; See Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, pp.255-257; The original full text of the agenda against humanity, called “Protocols of the Illuminati”, came from a transcript of a private speech by the dynastic head of a banking family, given to a secret society of oligarchs in 1773 AD.


[43] London Encyclopaedia, 1st Edition, Thomas Tegg, London (1829), Volume 11, “Illuminati”, p.632.


[44] Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, New York (1911), Volume 14, “Illuminati”, p.320.


[45] United Kingdoms of Nusantara, Coronation Letters Patent Installing King Bungsu (08 October 2018):  “President Soekarno was established as King of Banten Nusantara in Bali on 06 May 1926 by King Pakoe Boewono X” (Page 1); Ratified by 44 witnesses including numerous Asian Royals and 10 International Judges.


[46] Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Declaration of the 17th Summit of Heads of State, Margarita, Venezuela (18 September 2016), Preamble: Point 1.


[47] Asian-African Conference, Bandung Conference: Final Communiqué (NAM Principles), Bandung, Indonesia (24 April 1955), B-1, B-2.


[48] Royal Alliance of Independent States, Letters Patent of Royal Grand Vizier (11 November 2017):  Issued by the “Sovereign Council” represented by the “Royal Justiciar”, to “Sir Marius… de Rosa Crucis”, establishing as “Royal Grand Vizier of the Alliance”, “as Curator Arcanum Regiae Rosa Crucis of the Alliance Restoration: to serve as Head of Government”.


[49] United Kingdoms of Nusantara, Coronation Letters Patent Installing King Bungsu (08 October 2018):  Bungsu Mudakir was “legalized and established” as “Crown Regent of the Royal Alliance of Independent States”, specifically “as Trustee for the Royal Alliance” (Page 2); Official ratifying signatures (Pages 5-9).


[50] Salvatore Ferdinande Antonio Caputo, Creation of Order of Chivalry, The International Commission and Association on Nobility “TICAN”, London (2018), “Religious Organizations”, p.10; A Sovereign State “can ‘restore’ [reestablish] ancient titles [institutions]… However, [it]… cannot ‘restore’ a title over which it had no original control [founding authority].”


[51] International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICOC), Report of the Commission Internationale Permanente d’Études des Ordres de Chevalerie, “Registre des Ordres de Chivalerie”, The Armorial, Edinburgh (1978), Gryfons Publishers, USA (1996), including: Principles Involved in Assessing the Validity of Orders of Chivalry (1963), Principle 5.


[52] Hans J. Hoegen Dijkhof, Hendrik Johannes, The Legitimacy of Orders of St. John: A Historical and Legal Analysis and Case Study of a Para-religious Phenomenon, Hoegen Dijkhof Advocaten, Universiteit Leiden (2006), p.416.


[53] Royal Alliance of Independent States, Letters Patent of Diplomatic Leadership (10 October 2018):  Issued by the “Sovereign Council” represented by the “Royal Grand Vizier”, to the “Ancient Order of Knights of the Temple”.


[54] Kingdom of Banten Nusantara, Letter of Disassociation (13 December 2022), signed by King Bungsu:  “I… tender my resignation” from the “Royal Alliance of Independent States”, citing the kingdom’s misunderstandings of “Ancient Customs and Protocols of… the Royal Alliance” (Page 3); “We… withdraw our membership… from the Royal Alliance of Independent States [which] is a modern term for the Ancient Royal Alliance [of] thousands of years” (Page 5).


[55] United Nations, Approval No. MISA 81704 (17 August 1945), Operation Heavy Freedom, classified “Top Secret”:  Recognized Indonesian President Soekarno as the “Monetary One (M-1)”, “elected” by the Royal Alliance as managing Trustee of its Royal Portfolio assets, placing the assets in the UN monetary system.


[56] Bank of International Settlements, World Economy Master Codes (WEMCO), “ZA/KKW/-ISS-NO-88/001-005” (created ca. 1990):  Code gives no “access” and no “control”, only a reference code for confirming the existence and viewing the computer files for the accounts.



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