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Independence to Uphold Peoples Rights


Independent Legal Authority of Statehood


Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is a union of States, united by human rights and national sovereignty for the People, as an intergovernmental organization (IGO) possessing independent sovereign authority in its own right, exercising its official status in diplomatic relations.


To reclaim and restore fundamental rights and freedoms, the People of the world need IVU and its institutions to be strictly independent from the establishment systems of dominant countries and globalist agencies, which have been increasingly corrupted to undermine rights.



Mission and Purpose


The mission and purpose of IVU is to provide independent official institutions with international legal authority, by a return to the real international law of rights and sovereignty, to empower the People by access to alternative institutions dedicated to providing official support for Peoples Rights.


(Click for the full Mission Statement of IVU institutions)



Legal Basis for Independence


To pursue its mission and purpose, IVU required strong foundations giving a solid legal basis for sovereign independence of its official institutions, by strictly following the established rules of conventional international law.


As a result, the independent authorities and capabilities of Ignita Veritas United (IVU) all come from its status as an intergovernmental organization (IGO).


An IGO is a rare form of legal entity, which even some lawyers and diplomats do not understand, only because the modern dominance of national corporate statutory law has distracted people from the timeless benefits of real international law.


Under international law, an IGO is defined as a type of “State”, by serving as an “instrumentality” for “the exercise of sovereign authority” of its Member States (2004 Immunities of States, Article 2.1(b)(iii)), as a joint governmental agency conducting the “external affairs of States” (1981 Internal Affairs of States, Preamble: ¶7, Article 1).


An IGO holds equal sovereignty as a “State”, classified as a “subject of international law”, meaning its status is not derived from a territory, but rather is established by effect of international law (1969 Law of Treaties, Articles 1(i), 3(c)), which is fully “binding upon” all other States as “recognized” by multiple conventions (Article 38).


As a result, an IGO possesses the inherent legal capacity for diplomatic and consular relations (1963 Consular Relations, Articles 1(d), 3, 17.1), as a non-territorial (international) State (1961 Diplomatic Relations, Articles 1(i), 23.1, 30.1).




Legal Status Equal to the United Nations


Legal Status Equal to the United Nations

NAM 18th Summit Flags of Independent Equal States

All authorities and capabilities of the United Nations (UN) are solely derived from it being properly established as an intergovernmental organization (IGO) by its Charter.  That is precisely the same legal status as Ignita Veritas United (IVU) by its own Charter.


In international law, an “intergovernmental organization” (IGO) is also called an “international organization” (1969 Law of Treaties, Article 1(i)), and is specifically included among “States and other subjects of international law” (Article 3), having the legal capacity to enter into “Treaties” as a type of State (Article 5). Therefore, the legal status of an IGO is equivalent to that of any sovereign State.


By the “principle of sovereign equality of States” (1970 Cooperation of States, 6th Principle), “All States are juridically [legally] equal… as equal members of the international community”, including “international organizations [IGOs]” (1974 Economic Rights of States, Article 10). Therefore, the legal status of Ignita Veritas United (IVU) as an IGO is equal to that of the United Nations (UN) which is also an IGO.




Official Status Directly from International Law


Official Status Directly from International Law

International Court of Justice (ICJ) Judgment upholding International Law Conventions

The official status of IVU and its IGO official bodies is established directly from the modern framework of conventions recognizing international law, which are binding upon all countries (1969 Law of Treaties, Article 38), and also binding upon the United Nations (UN) (2012 Declaration on Rule of Law, Article 2).


Therefore, as a matter of law, IVU as an IGO does not require any permission, authorization or approval from, nor any affiliation with the United Nations (UN), to exercise its own equal diplomatic status and authorities independently.


Thus, IVU does not require any “recognition” by the UN, which is simply another IGO institution. The UN has no authority over a different IGO, which by definition has the same inherent official capacity in its own right.


IVU already possesses the only “recognition” it needs, directly from specific provisions of conventional international law, which fully prove its official powers and authorities.


The legal facts of those authorizing provisions are fully presented, in detail with specific section numbers, throughout the IVU website and its IGO documents and materials, as complete and verifiable evidence, giving public legal notice of its official status.


(Click to see Legal Authorities details report)


A concise presentation and educational package for effective practical use of conventional international law is provided on the following webpage:


(Click to visit International Law Sources for all evidence)




Separate and Independent from the UN


Alternative to the United Nations

NAM 18th Summit Conference Working Session

The United Nations (UN) is “The UN”, with the political weight of all its perceived power and influence, essentially because its legal entity was formed as an intergovernmental organization (IGO), by a Charter of its constituent Member States.


Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is also properly legally established as an IGO, by a constitutional Charter of sovereign Member States. Thus, by binding force and effect of conventional international law, IVU has the same legal status as the UN, carrying exactly the same legal authorities as the UN, because it is also an IGO.


Therefore, IVU and its IGO official bodies are independent “United Nations level” institutions in their own right, possessing their own official powers and authorities in international affairs.


As a result, IVU is separate and independent from the UN, providing its own official authority for free Peoples of independent States to benefit from the full protections of real international law, restoring and preserving their national sovereignty and human rights.


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