Ignita Veritas United 🏛 Overview
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Overview of Humanitarian Official Institutions


Multifunctional “Institution of Institutions”


Multifunctional Role as International Humanitarian InstitutionIgnita Veritas United (IVU) is a union of States, united by humanitarian missions for human rights and national sovereignty, established as a “non-profit” (“not for profit”) institution, empowered by its own official authorities as an intergovernmental organization (IGO), with diplomatic status in international law.




Mission and Purpose


The mission and purpose of IVU is to provide independent official institutions with international legal authority, by a return to the real international law of rights and sovereignty, to empower the People by access to alternative institutions dedicated to providing official support for Peoples Rights.


(Click for the full Mission Statement of IVU institutions)



Unifying Central Theme


As a result of its mission and purpose, IVU is not just one organization, but must be an “institution of institutions”, with diverse official bodies and agencies.  The central theme which unifies all IVU institutions and their programs and services, just as it unites its constituent Member States, is:


“Providing classical institutions as the pillars of civilization, as the time-tested solutions to timeless modern problems, to empower the People by restoring Peoples Rights under the rule of law, for a balance of powers representing the People.”



Driven by Academic Truth


The Latin name “Ignita Veritas” (pronounced ‘Ig-neet-a Ver-ee-tas’) means “Fire of Truth”, or “Light of Truth”. This represents its foundational dedication to the principle that objective factual truth, upheld by verifiably truthful information, is a basic human right, and is the necessary fabric of civilization.


For this reason, most of the missions and projects of IVU are primarily driven by the academic and scholarly resources of its namesake Ignita Veritas University (IV University).


(Click for IV University education)



Developed by Experience


As an intergovernmental organization (IGO), IVU was originally developed throughout 20 years (1996-2016) as an “institution of institutions” operated by “groups of groups”, led by legal professionals and national security government contractors, to provide shared infrastructure supporting its collective of Member States.


As a result, IVU became the supporting host institution for diverse autonomous official bodies and agencies, as specialized institutions.




Full Range of Institutions Supporting Missions


Licensed Professional Services


All of the major IVU institutions which provide strategic professional services are internationally and intergovernmentally licensed, within the independent Sovereign Jurisdiction of the host IGO and its Member States, in the neutral and universal jurisdiction of international law.


Under the Sovereign Charter treaty establishing IVU as an IGO, its professional services institutions hold all relevant licenses from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Justice and Ministries of Education of multiple governments, from the collective Member States of the host IGO institution.


These licensed official authorities are further backed by direct legal authorities, declared as mandates codified in conventional international law.



International Law Firm


IVU is the IGO host institution for the autonomous Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC), a traditional law firm of International Barristers of the Independent Legal Profession.  This non-profit international law firm is authorized to provide expert legal support and advisory services, strategic and transactional legal work, for private, governmental or intergovernmental organizations worldwide.


(Click for Bar Chambers law firm)



Geopolitics Think Tank


Combining its University and Law Firm institutions applied to strategic projects for human rights, IVU is also the host institution for the autonomous World Truthkeeping Foundation (WTF), a non-profit “Think Tank” geopolitical research institute for governments and civil society organizations, promoting socio-economic prosperity and human rights under international law.


(Click for Think Tank foundation)



Diplomatic Support


As an intergovernmental organization (IGO) with its own Diplomatic Status, backed by its international Law Firm and geopolitics Think Tank, IVU provides specialized advisory support and technical expertise to assist other IGO institutions, including the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and Royal Alliance of Independent States (RAIS), enabling IVU to effectively contribute to applied geopolitics for real-world impact.


(Click for Diplomatic Relations details)



International Justice


IVU is the host institution for the autonomous Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) as the High Court for international law and human rights, and its companion Arbitration Court of International Justice (ACIJ) as the Common Court for civil litigation and binding arbitration.


Both are intergovernmental official Courts of Law of the Independent Judiciary Profession, thus having the highest supra-governmental Universal Jurisdiction, by mandates codified in conventional international law.  The Courts are additionally licensed by the Ministries of Justice and Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the IGO Member States, to serve as an official Court of Justice and independent Judiciary body.


(Click for Sovereign Court overview)


(Click for Arbitration Court overview)



Humanitarian Relief


IVU is also the host institution for the autonomous Emergency Relief Agency (ERA), for providing humanitarian aid, governmental protection and consular support to refugees, as part of its intervention and relief for humanitarian crises.


The Emergency Relief Agency (ERA) is designed to help refugees by diplomatic support and establishing “safe zones” in their home country or native region, or temporary self-sufficient communities in receiving countries protecting the rights and security of host country citizens, with strategies for sustainable political and socio-economic empowerment.



Higher Education


In the educational sector, IVU provides a governmentally licensed and accredited university educational institution, Ignita Veritas University (IV University).  It separately provides an internationally licensed accrediting body in its own right, the Inter-Governmental Accreditation Commission (IGAC).


Both of these intergovernmental educational institutions uphold the highest international standards of academia, promoting advancements in the scholarly professions, in cooperation with other accredited universities and academic institutions.


(Click for IV University education)


(Click for Accreditation agency)




Multiple Roles Providing Strategic Capabilities


Public Sector Roles


In the public sector, IVU serves as an independent contractor for other intergovernmental organizations or government agencies, providing operational support for international security, protection of national sovereignty, promotion of socio-economic prosperity, upholding international law, and defending civil rights and human rights.


Political Neutrality


In its public-sector roles, IVU serves as an independent intergovernmental organization (IGO), possessing its own official authorities and diplomatic status as a sovereign subject of international law. It thereby maintains political neutrality, is not subject to influence by any particular country, and equally protects the legitimate interests of all sovereign States under international law.


Private Sector Roles


In the private sector, IVU operates a Bar Chambers (Law Center) of International Barristers of the Independent Legal Profession, providing licensed services for legal and economic security, as an international law firm.  These capabilities can be applied to the protection of national critical infrastructure assets which are operated by private enterprises, professional institutions and non-profit organizations.


Power for Protection


In its private-sector roles, IVU gives private companies and organizations many of the capabilities and advantages which national security agencies use to protect government ministries and departments, and empowers the private sector to operate more freely with less governmental interference.




Multinational Roots and Geopolitical Balance


Multinational Background with Geopolitical BalanceIgnita Veritas United (IVU) evolved from decades of development and networking by diverse non-profit organizations, assisted by cooperation with various universities, private government contractors and veterans associations, from multiple countries of different political alignments.


The formation of IVU was inspired by the Western tradition of military veterans as entrepreneurs applying strong discipline, advanced skills and empowered leadership abilities, as the driving force for prosperity in support of human rights.


It was equally inspired by the Eastern European tradition of scholarly societies and academic associations commanding the attention and respect of governments, as guardians of the public welfare, to contribute educational resources in support of international peace and humanitarian affairs.


While the development of IVU was initially driven by leading world experts from North American and Eastern European academic and governmental circles, it was greatly enhanced by the unique contributions of top university scholars and experts from the Middle East, the African continent, Latin America and the Caribbean.


This diverse underlying academic and cultural background has made IVU and its autonomous IGO official bodies fully compatible with the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) of independent countries constituting over 70% of the United Nations General Assembly.


As a result, IVU as an institution is organically “mainstream”, with an underlying “grassroots” foundation, while remaining free from undue influence from any particular country, to best represent the Peoples of the Nations.


As an official intergovernmental organization (IGO), Ignita Veritas United (IVU) may be represented by a subsidiary or affiliate non-profit institution incorporated in a domestic jurisdiction, without the IGO itself having any involvement or dependence upon any governmental authority of the country of representation, preserving its independence and sovereignty in the neutral and universal jurisdiction of international law.


For geopolitical balance and stability, IVU as a sovereign IGO institution constitutionally holds multiple permanent international licenses for its strategic official bodies and agencies, from multiple governments of its collective Member States, thus preventing any controlling influence from any particular State.




Sovereign Status for Tax Deductible Donations


Sovereign Tax Exempt and Tax Deductible StatusIgnita Veritas United (IVU) is an intergovernmental organization (IGO) of diplomatic status, which thus inherently holds the highest level of universal Tax Exempt and Tax Deductible status.


IVU operates, manages and supports a wide range of the full spectrum of non-profit and humanitarian projects:


Many projects directly or indirectly support universities, libraries, museums, charitable programs of religious organizations, and other non-profit institutions. The most important strategic missions of IVU humanitarian projects include the protection and enforcement of human rights and the rule of law, including access to Justice.


The Real Reason to Donate


Many entrepreneurs and corporations seek to give donations and grants to humanitarian institutions, typically primarily for (and only to the extent of) benefits of tax deductions to minimize the burdens of taxation. However, few consider a much more compelling reason, driven by some harsh realities:


Corrupt governments and institutions are increasingly dismantling human rights, suppressing the professions, and oppressively regulating businesses, with escalating arbitrary abuses of emergency powers for manufactured crises. This creates a very real risk of losing all of one’s revenues, and even losing all of one’s savings, if one does not donate as much as possible to restoring human rights and the rule of law.


This situation is reminiscent of the anti-smoking campaign slogan in the United States during the 1970’s: “If you can’t breathe, nothing else matters”. In this case, the motto should be: “If you can’t keep your human rights, you can’t keep your business.”


Sovereign Tax Exemption


Ignita Veritas United (IVU) as an intergovernmental (IGO) State, and thus any subsidiary Foundation or Trust, is universally Tax Exempt under international law (1974 Charter of Economic Rights of States, Article 2.1; 2004 Convention on Immunities of States, Articles 1, 2.1(b)(iii)), which is “binding” on all countries (1969 Convention on Law of Treaties, Article 38; US Constitution, Article 6 ¶2).


Any United States not-for-profit subsidiary is Tax Exempt by automatic statutory “501(a) Status” as a humanitarian “civic organization for social welfare” and “society for educational purposes” (US Tax Code, 26 USC §501(a)).


Universal Tax Deductibility


All donations should be Tax Deductible by universal standards of customary international law, evidenced by the United States rule:


All donations “exclusively for charitable or educational purposes”, to a domestic subsidiary (US Tax Code: 26 USC §170(a)(1); §170(c)(2)), or from individuals to foreign branches (26 USC §170(c)(4)), are automatically Tax Deductible, including donations through an affiliate trustee entity “for the use of” Ignita Veritas United (26 USC §170(c)).


(Click to see Legal & Tax Status for full details)


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